About Us 關於

Chinese Caregivers Network

The Chinese Caregivers Network (CCN) is a partnership across health and social service providers and caregivers with a common goal to advocate and promote networking, education, information sharing and capacity building among caregivers in the Chinese community across Ontario.

Members include health and social service providers as well as caregivers of chronic diseases or other health issues. The term caregiver refers to individuals who provide on-going informal care and assistance to family members and friends in need of support due to chronic physical, cognitive, mental health and/or addiction conditions.


  1. To identify service needs, gaps and barriers as related to caregiving in the Chinese community.
  2. To facilitate strategic partnership to improve access to and coordination of information and resources for the caregivers in the Chinese community.
  3. To work collaboratively with caregivers to help bring out their voices to enhance their abilities in capacity building on issues of caregiving.
  4. To empower and enable caregivers to advocate for resources to meet their needs and to improve their well-being.




  1. 確定關顧工作在華人社區內的服務需求、差距和障礙
  2. 促進策略性伙伴關係來協調和提高關顧者在獲取有關信息和資源的機會
  3. 與關顧者一同透過協作方式,協助他們在關顧工作的課題上發聲及加強其創建能力
  4. 務使關顧者能自發地倡導開發資源來滿足他們的需求,並提高他們的福祉